Conference RE-JUST Project


The project “Towards a more responsive victim-centered approach of the criminal justice system (RE-JUST) has been implemented between January 2020 and September 2021 with the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union. The coordination of the project was ensured by the Pro Refugiu Association (Romania) in partnership with Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI, Finland), Solwodi (Germany) and Dinamia S. Coop. Mad. (Spain). The project aim was to enhance judicial and multi-disciplinary cooperation among institutions, organisations and professionals that have competencies in the protection of victims’ rights and assistance, to promote a victim centered-approach in the project countries.
A transnational final conference was organised on 17 September 2021. The virtual event attended by 147 Bulgarian, Finnish, German, Romanian and Spanish professionals from ministries, governmental agencies, courts, bars, universities and research institutes, public & private assistance providers, civil society organisations.
Further information about the project activities as results are available on RE-JUST website and Facebook page.


RE-JUST Final Conference Agenda and Speaker introductions


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