ASSOCIATION PRO REFUGIU together with ASSOCIATION ADPARE, organized in Bucharest on 29-30 October 2015, an Expert Meeting Good practices in a non-victimizing and non-re-traumatizing treatment of victims of trafficking during criminal proceedings. Role of the victim lawyer, prosecutor and judge.
The event is one of the multiple activities of the project Promotion of the rights of trafficked persons in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia with emphasis on legal support. A human rights based approach, implemented with the financial support of the European Commission ISEC Program and Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Government of Netherlands. The project is coordinated by Netherlands Helsinki Committee.
At the event attended Romanian and Dutch lawyers, judges, prosecutors, social counsellors and also representatives of the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons and of the Netherlands Embassy.
The subjects approached in an interactive manner consisted in: cooperation victim lawyer& prosecution, court procedures according with Romanian and Dutch Law and Criminal Practice; presentation of the outcomes of court monitoring in regarding to the treatment of victims in Romania; legal analysis of cases having as object human trafficking offence; victim-witness coordination program; future cooperation regarding the lawyers network specialized in legal counselling and assistance for victims of human trafficking.