
  Association Pro Refugiu has implemented between May – December 2012 the project Youth against human trafficking with the financial support of the European Comission, Youth in Action Program. Project’s beneficiaries were children, young people as potential victims of human trafficking. During project’s implementations various trainings were held in order to inform the target groups about the risks of human...

ASOCIATIA PRO REFUGIU a implementat in perioada 15 septembrie-15 decembrie 2011 proiectul “Network for young refugees. Looking beyond the label! cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene prin Programul Tineret in Actiune –sub-actiunea 1.2. Initiative ale tinerilor. Beneficiari directi ai acestui proiect au fost tinerii refugiati aflati pe teritoriul Romaniei. Obiectivul principal al proiectului l-a constituit realizarea unui forum on-line...

The article is available only in Romanian language.