Brochure Multi-disciplinary training of professionals to protect the rights of women victims of crime


In this publication information is presented about the relevance of multi-disciplinary training of specialists that have legal, social, and psychological professional background and what are the most relevant topics that should be addressed. At the end of the event, participants should be able to define various forms of violence against women, to understand their sensitivities and the sensitivities of the topic, and to broadly outline justice system responses to violence against women.

The brochure was elaborated as part of the project “JUSTICE FOR WOMEN – Towards a more effective rights protection and access to judicial procedures for victims of crimes” implemented with the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union. The project was implemented by the Association Pro Refugiu Romania (Romania), the Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), the Demetra Association (Bulgaria), the Centre for European Constitutional Law (Greece), the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights, and the Association Trabe Iniciativas para la Economia Social y Solidaria (Spain).

Brochure Justice for Women


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