
Referal Tool for Legal Assistance THB Victims The publication “Referral for legal assistance in the case of victims of human trafficking” was developed in the project “Strengthening multidisciplinary cooperation to ensure an effective referral, assistance, rights protection for victims of human trafficking”, financed by the European Commission, Justice Programme. The project was implemented by Association Pro Refugiu Romania (Coordinator), Caritas International Belgium (Partner), Association Trabe...

Handbook for social-health-legal professionals supporting the refugees’ integration was developed as part of the project Enhance professionals’ knowledge for a sustainable refugees’ integration implemented with the financial support of the Erasmus Plus Programme Strategic Partnership. The project was implemented from September 2016 until August 2018 by Association Pro Refugiu (coordinator) in partnership with several organizations Passage e.V. Germany, Scandinavian Human...

The report is elaborated as part of the project Pro Victims Justice through an Enhanced Rights Protection and Stakeholders Cooperation implemented with the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by Association Pro Refugiu in partnership with Center for the Study of Democracy Bulgaria, Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony Germany, Scandinavian...