Seminar in Romania Coaching Innovative Approach for Better Integration of Refugee


Association Pro Refugiu organized a seminar having as purpose to familiarize professionals with coaching as an innovative form of support during refugees’ assistance. The event took place in Bucharest on 24-25 February 2015. The event is part of the project Coaching-Innovative approach for better integration of refugees implemented with the financial support of Grundtvig Program Learning Partnerships by Association Pro Refugiu in partnership with Caritas Prague and Human Rights League Slovakia.
At the seminar attended professionals (social workers, psychologists, legal counsellors) from Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
It was an interactive seminar which included multiple role plays, exercises in order to familiarize participants with what is coaching and how it can be used to help refugees; how a coaching session should be organized; trauma recovery coaching; intercultural and life coaching. The topics approach are included also in the manual developed by the Romania, Czech and Slovakian NGOs,
Participants appreciated the quality of the information provided by the trainers and the interactive methods used.

Press Release
Coaching Manual

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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