Toolkit for the economic sectors to combat human trafficking


The toolkit was developed within the framework of the Anti-trafficking stakeholders and economic sectors networking, cooperation to combat the business of human trafficking chain (NET-COMBAT-THB CHAIN) a transnational project implemented with the financial support of the Internal Security Fund Police Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by Association Pro Refugiu Romania, in partnership with Center for the Study of Democracy Bulgaria, Center for European Constitutional Law Greece, Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights, Verein für Internationale Jugendarbeit e.V. Landesverein Germany.

The toolkit provides useful information to support the economic sectors to combat human trafficking in partnership with other relevant stakeholders. Traffickers frequently use the economic sectors to achieve their objectives. They make use of the lower costs for transportation, online recruitments websites, hotels and tourism industry, make payments through private financial entities and other illicit actions. National and international companies and their employees need to be aware of the negative effects of human trafficking and make the necessary efforts to ensure that the products and services are not obtained through exploitation of persons.

It is necessary for the economic sectors to review their policy and ensure it can better mitigate the risks on long-term, to have a major contribution in eliminating human trafficking.

The business sectors can play an important role in combating human trafficking, nevertheless this issue had not been highlighted enough in the last years on the agenda of the economic sectors and this must change in order to eradicate the phenomenon which represents a violation of human rights with long-term consequences for its victims.

Toolkit English

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