Conference in Brussels


In October and November 2018 the partners of the project Strengthening multidisciplinary cooperation to ensure an effective referral, assistance, rights protection for victims of human trafficking successfully implemented a series of conferences having as purpose to disseminate the results of the transnational project and also to discuss on further strategies  to improve international cooperation to combat human trafficking and to ensure that victims have access to comprehensive legal assistance and other support services. The project was implemented over a period of two years, January 2017 – December 2018, having as coordinator Association Pro Refugiu Romania and as partners Center for the Study of Democracy Bulgaria, Caritas International Belgium, Association Trabe Iniciativas para la Economia Social y Solidaria Spain, Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers Sweden. The partners implemented 3 local conferences in Romania, Bulgaria, Spain and 1 transnational final conference in Belgium.

  • Local Conference in Sofia 16 October 2018
  • Local Conference in Bucharest 1 November 2018
  • Local Conference in Madrid 27 November 2018
  • Transnational Final Conference in Brussels 29-30 November 2018

At the conferences attended lawyers, prosecutors, judges, social workers, psychologists from anti-trafficking institutions and non-governmental organizations, representatives of the European Commission.

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