The publication was developed in the project Towards a more responsive victim-centered approach of the criminal justice system (RE-JUST) implemented by Association Pro Refugiu (Romania), Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. (Germany), the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI, Finland), Dinamia S. Coop. (Spain). The project was implemented with the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union.
This publication presents a collection of best/promising practices to support victims in Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Romania and Spain. Certain practices refer to all victims of crime, while others relate to certain types of victims. The practices were collected for the whole spectrum of the criminal proceedings: investigation, prosecution, court. Information on the practices was obtained through desktop research (analyze of legislation, jurisprudence, strategies and programmes), questions addressed to institutions and organizations that have competences in the justice system, in the protection of victims’ rights (ministries, courts, prosecutors’ offices, governmental agencies, law enforcement agencies, NGOs etc.)
Compendium of practices EN-final