Brochure Multi-disciplinary training of professionals to protect the rights of women victims of crime
In this publication information is presented about the relevance of multi-disciplinary training of specialists that have legal, social, and psychological professional background and what are the most relevant topics that should be addressed. At the end of the event, participants should be able to define various forms of violence against women, to understand their sensitivities and the sensitivities of...
Financial compensation guide. Cases concerning women victims of crime
Financial Compensation Guide This publication addresses judges and prosecutors involved in criminal cases, in cases that have as legal object to grant financial compensation to women victims of crime. It is also targeting lawyers that provide legal assistance to women victims of crime. The publication addresses topics such as European and national legal framework concerning financial compensation, relevant indicators and...
Toolkit for the economic sectors to combat human trafficking
The toolkit was developed within the framework of the Anti-trafficking stakeholders and economic sectors networking, cooperation to combat the business of human trafficking chain (NET-COMBAT-THB CHAIN) a transnational project implemented with the financial support of the Internal Security Fund Police Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by Association Pro Refugiu Romania, in partnership with Center for...